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您只需支付RM20即可获得以下所有的练习和笔记。付款之后,您会收到以下所列出的所有笔记和练习。以下的笔记和练习是以一个套装方式售出,因此,您不能够分开购买任何一些练习和笔记。这些笔记和习题(PDF file)只有通过 email 方式寄出。

1. 100题国语看图造句 (适合一至三年级)(备有参考答案)
2. 80题国语动词练习题(适合一至三年级)(备有参考答案)
3. 100句英语看图造句习题(适合一至三年级)(备有参考答案)
4. Super Minds Book 1词汇习题(适合一和二年级)(备有答案)
5. 100 题华语低年级形似字练习题(适合一至三年级)(备有答案)
6. 120题华语构词练习题(适合一至三年级)(备有答案)
7. 200 题国语造句 (适合四至六年级)(备有参考答案)
8. 50题英语模范作文(适合四至六年级)
9. 400 题英语成语(适合四至六年级)(备有华语意思)
10. 500 题英语谚语(适合四至六年级)(备有华语意思)
11. 60题国语谚语和成语看图习题(适合四至六年级)(备有参考答案)
12. 100题华语模范作文(适合四至六年级)
13. 100 题华语高年级形似字练习题(适合四至六年级)(备有答案)
1.阿尔法脑波增强儿童记忆力音乐mp3 Part 1
2.阿尔法脑波增强儿童记忆力音乐mp3 Part 2
3.阿尔法脑波增强儿童记忆力音乐mp3 Part 3
a. 增强记忆力
b. 提升专注力、记忆力等九大能力;开发孩子学习潜能
c. 提高学习兴趣,学习更轻松
d. 消除学习疲劳,缓解学习压力
5.儿童英语电子书 《Ann-Nem-Oh-Nee finds Adventure》
6.儿童英语电子书 《Circles》
7. 儿童英语电子书 《Grandpa Farouk’s Garden》
这些笔记,习题,电子书(PDF file)和mp3音乐只有通过 email 方式寄出。

2019 Sponsoring Exercises and Notes

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You only need to pay RM20 to get all the following exercises. You will receive all the following exercises after making the payment. All the notes and exercises listed below are in a package, therefore, it cannot buy separately. All the notes and exercises (PDF file) will only be sent via email.
List of Exercises and Notes
1. 100 Soalan Bina Ayat Berdasarkan Gambar (BM)
(Suitable for Standard 1 to Standard 3 students with answers provided.)
2. 80 Soalan Latihan Kata Kerja (BM)
(Suitable for Standard 1 to Standard 3 students with answers provided.)
3. 100 English sentence construction based on the picture. (English)
(Suitable for Standard 1 to Standard 3 students with answers provided.)
4. Super Minds Book 1 Vocabulary Exercises (English)
(Suitable for Standard 1 and Standard 2 students with answers provided.
5. 100 Chinese Shaped Word Exercises (形似字)
(Suitable for Standard 1 to Standard 3 students with answers provided.)
6. 120 Chinese Word Formation Exercises (构词)
(Suitable for Standard 1 to Standard 3 students with answers provided.)
7. 200 Soalan Bina Ayat (BM)
(Suitable for Standard 4 to Standard 6 students with answers provided.)
8. 60 Soalan Peribahasa Berdasarkan Gambar (BM)
(Suitable for Standard 4 to Standard 6 students with answers provided.)
9. 50 English Model Essays
(Suitable for Standard 4 to Standard 6 students.)
10. 400 Idioms English
(Suitable for Standard 4 to Standard 6 students with Chinese meaning.)
11. 500 Proverbs English
(Suitable for Standard 4 to Standard 6 students with Chinese meaning.)
12. 100 Chinese Model Essays (华语作文集)
(Suitable for Standard 4 to Standard 6 students.)
13. 100 Chinese Shaped Word Exercises (形似字)
(Suitable for Standard 4 to Standard 6 students.)
Additional Included
1. Alpha Waves Music mp3 Part 1
2. Alpha Waves Music mp3 Part 2
3. Alpha Waves Music mp3 Part 3
Alpha waves help us improve our memory, can even make better our intelligence.
4. Mandala Colouring Pages
The hyperactive children can enjoy the calm creation, the generally apathetic children become alive and kids with various disabilities get involved in drawing as well.
5. Children’s English E-book “Ann-Nem-Oh-Nee finds Adventure”
6. Children’s English E-book “Circles”
7. Children’s English E-book “Grandpa Farouk’s Garden”
These notes, exercises, E-books (PDF file) and mp3 music will only be sent via email.
Please click into the following link for the payment procedure. Thank you.