1) 单韵母6个:a o e i u ü
2) 复韵母8个:ai ei ui ao ou iu ie üe
3) 鼻韵母分为前鼻音和后鼻音。前鼻音为:an en in un ün 后鼻音为:ang eng ing ong
4) 特殊韵母1个:er 它不能和声母相拼,只单独作为字音。
- 巧记16个整体认读音节
a o e i u ü,标调时按顺序,iu并列标在后,i上标调去掉点;ü 与j q x y相拼时去两点,如ju qu xu yu 。
以a o e 开头的音节紧跟在其它音节后面时,音节的界限容易发生混淆,因此音节间要用隔音符号(')隔开。如xī’ān(西安)海鸥hǎi 'ōu
1. 100题国语看图造句 (适合一至三年级)(备有参考答案)
2. 80题国语动词练习题(适合一至三年级)(备有参考答案)
3. 100句英语看图造句习题(适合一至三年级)(备有参考答案)
4. Super Minds Book 1词汇习题(适合一和二年级)(备有答案)
5. 100 题华语低年级形似字练习题(适合一至三年级)(备有答案)
6. 120题华语构词练习题(适合一至三年级)(备有答案)
7. 200 题国语造句 (适合四至六年级)(备有参考答案)
8. 50题英语模范作文(适合四至六年级)
9. 400 题英语成语(适合四至六年级)(备有华语意思)
10. 500 题英语谚语(适合四至六年级)(备有华语意思)
11. 60题国语谚语和成语看图习题(适合四至六年级)(备有参考答案)
12. 100题华语模范作文(适合四至六年级)
13. 100 题华语高年级形似字练习题(适合四至六年级)(备有答案)
1. 100 Soalan Bina Ayat Berdasarkan Gambar (BM)
(Suitable for Standard 1 to Standard 3 students with answers provided.)
2. 80 Soalan Latihan Kata Kerja (BM)
(Suitable for Standard 1 to Standard 3 students with answers provided.)
3. 100 English sentence construction based on the picture. (English)
(Suitable for Standard 1 to Standard 3 students with answers provided.)
4. Super Minds Book 1 Vocabulary Exercises (English)
(Suitable for Standard 1 and Standard 2 students with answers provided.
5. 100 Chinese Shaped Word Exercises (形似字)
(Suitable for Standard 1 to Standard 3 students with answers provided.)
6. 120 Chinese Word Formation Exercises (构词)
(Suitable for Standard 1 to Standard 3 students with answers provided.)
7. 200 Soalan Bina Ayat (BM)
(Suitable for Standard 4 to Standard 6 students with answers provided.)
8. 60 Soalan Peribahasa Berdasarkan Gambar (BM)
(Suitable for Standard 4 to Standard 6 students with answers provided.)
9. 50 English Model Essays
(Suitable for Standard 4 to Standard 6 students.)
10. 400 Idioms English
(Suitable for Standard 4 to Standard 6 students with Chinese meaning.)
11. 500 Proverbs English
(Suitable for Standard 4 to Standard 6 students with Chinese meaning.)
12. 100 Chinese Model Essays (华语作文集)
(Suitable for Standard 4 to Standard 6 students.)
13. 100 Chinese Shaped Word Exercises (形似字)
(Suitable for Standard 4 to Standard 6 students.)